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10 Things To Consider Before Getting A Korean Perm

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Skye Rhodes

Are you considering getting a Korean perm? – Here are some things to consider before getting a Korean perm.

If yes, look no further as this post is for you.

Korean perm is one of the most admired hairstyles many people consider having as compared to other types of perms.

What makes it stand out is how it typically attains the perfect defined C and S curls that you would not regret having!

However, it can also end up becoming muddled and messy if not done by a specialist.

Remember, once you get into this mess, you can’t undo it but rather learn to cope with it until your next visit to the hair specialists.


10 Things To Consider Before Getting A Korean Perm

Do you want to know things to consider before having a Korean perm done to your hair? – Let’s get started.

1. Getting a Salon That Offers The Best

Choosing a salon can be one of the most vital steps to getting that perfect Korean perm.

Here are a few factors to consider.

Hair Expertise

People are gifted differently according to their capacities and capabilities.

Doctors treat patients, and teachers teach students.

You can’t be a professional in a particular field without having basic knowledge.

For people to give you recognition as that hair specialist, people are yarning to have; it needs practice, commitment, and hard work.

Korean perm is not an exception as it needs a stylist specialist for you to get that image of a Korean idol you have been admiring.

As such, Korean perm is trendy and has a colorful style of hair with waves and locks.

If you are that person who has a sense of style and loves creating attention, this will be the perfect look.


It’s rare for you to find a salon with functional space and fully equipped with hair specialists offering cheap services.

That will not match the standards of the salon.

As they say, cheap is always expensive.

Therefore, if you want to find value for your money, try going to salons with great expertise.

After all, what you want is to get that flawless appearance on you.

We are not saying that those who don’t have money should shy away from Korean perm.

We have some salons which offer services at relatively affordable rates.

Get to the online platforms and do background checks and research on some of the salons you might have in mind about their services and their rates.

You will be surprised to find one Korean perm salon with a good reputation, offering the same services at relatively affordable rates.

Satisfaction is all that matters.


Let’s continue engaging ourselves for more tips.

2. Know The Pros And Cons Before You Get a Perm Service

Before you decide to rock the masses with your permed hair, you should inquire about the advantages and disadvantages of having a perm.

If you have questions regarding Korean permed hair, direct them to the specialists, and they will be of excellent service to you.

Inquire About Your Hair Type

Make sure you ask about your hair type.

It might be either soft or hard.

Try to gather information on whether the Korean perm will weaken your hair if you decide on having it.

There are some chemicals used in perms that are harmful to the hair.

These chemicals tend to make the hair break out, weaken, and irritates the roots of your hair too.

Knowing your hair type will enable you to know which chemical to use to prevent it from drying out after getting permed.

Healthy hair has a spark that always makes it stand out.

Potential Risks

Some risks come with regrets.

Therefore, you must get information from your stylist regarding the risks that come along once you get the Korean perm.


I might be talking to a risk-taker.


But on this one, I encourage you to inquire about the risks associated with permed hair so that you prepare adequately on how you can manage it.

You don’t want to assume things until the unfortunate something happens.


Take the bold step of ensuring you know all the potential risks that come with your hair type.

3. Maintenance

Maintenance is key to having long-lasting and beautiful curls.

Imagine spending more than 2 hours of your time, making your hair just to get a flawless appearance.

Then, of course, you come out looking so gorgeous!

I’m sure that’s the feeling that everyone hopes to get after a long-awaited day in the salon.

But in the real sense, it’s not usually the end of it all but the beginning.

Remember, the Korean perm gets you into achieving those well-curved curls, either C curls, which are generally at the hair end or S curls, usually loose and spread out.

Maintaining those curls is not as easy as you perceive.

It needs patience and commitment.

At this point, things get a little serious because most people do not have that much zeal to maintain the curls.

You need to consider whether it’s a good idea to have a Korean Perm or get a little over ambitious and going out of your league.

A perm is not a simple style that you can neglect or take care of readily.

You need to be hands-on, but the results are all worth it.

It will leave you feeling beautiful and phenomenal.


Braiding is a very natural way for tighter curls and this can play a significant role in maintenance.

It can also help to prevent damage to the curls.

Do not use a comb to brush; instead, use fingers for any tangles after undoing.

Use Less Heat

Heat is not a friend of your curls, avoid blow-drying or straightening your hair.

But if need be, make sure you use less heat on your permed hair.

Blow drying automatically destroys the curls.

4. How Long Can The Perm Last?

You might be asking yourself, ‘How long will the perm effect last on my hair?’.

The answer is straightforward.

It solely depends on how well you are going to manage it.

A Korean perm can stay for 6-10 months if well maintained.

Their curls tend to loosen with time; therefore, it needs the commitment to maintain the coils and the strength of the hair.

But if you are the type of person who doesn’t have time to do your curls not until your next visit to the salon, this might not be the best option for you.

That’s why it’s essential to consider some factors before committing yourself to something that will not benefit you.

Hey, are you still there?

Don’t go anywhere.

I still have some additional information to share with you.

Keep reading.

5. Consider The Products Used

The best hair products are vital for the rejuvenation of your hair.

They prevent dry scalp and discourage product build-up.

The right conditioner and shampoo will be able to cleanse your scalp deep and condition your hair hence prevent your hair damage.

Well, this is a significant point to note before considering to perm your hair.

If you purchase the wrong products without research or expert opinion, you will have a field day of misery and regrets.

Some products are likely to weaken your hair and make it dry out.

You should be on the lookout not to fall into getting counterfeit products.

Most counterfeits have harmful chemical substances, that’s why most of them are selling at throwaway prices.


You ask.

It is because most manufacturers consider quantity over quality.

The more the sales, the more the money.

We recommend that you do your research and a background check of your products before using them on your hair.

Are you aware of these harmful chemicals in the market found in hair products?

Well, they include Silicones, Sulphates, Parabens, and Behentrimonium Chloride, just to mention but a few.

You might get these chemicals in some of the fake products.

Be vigilant!

Getting the right products to use may save you from having some serious hair mistakes.

Therefore, it is crucial to research and consult with an expert before getting your hair done.

Get yourself some quality and affordable products to protect your hair and maintain your curls for as long as possible.

Yes, you read that right!

With proper care and maintenance, perms can last you very long.

Your outstanding look remains intact for quite some time until you decide otherwise.

There you go.

6. Get DIY Styling Tips From Experts

You must be wondering whether you will be up to the task or otherwise.

Your hair will need styling more often.

It’s not economical for you to keep visiting the salon every day, just for styling.

It won’t only waste your money but also your precious time.

That’s why it’s vital to get tips from specialists on how you can do it yourself while in the comfort of your home.

Requirements are that you use oils that are made specifically for enhancing curls and not weighing them down and giving them a saggy look. 

You should always remember not to wash your hair immediately after the salon, give the curls time to set.

You should wash your hair after 3 to four days.

Failure to this, the curls might be damaged in a short period.

Wash the hair with the right products as discussed above and your wash days will be fun-filled with excellent results.

You are required to clean your hair gently, scrub your scalp with your fingertips and not your nail as they may cause harm, then rinse with warm water.

Dry your hair using a cloth that soaks up moisture and does not catch hair, unlike a towel, which may cause tangles.

Also, as mentioned earlier, your comb will not be needed here as your hair will only be done with your fingers to enhance the curls.

The reason being that combs will eventually loosen the curls sooner than you expected and your hair will look messy.

7. The Condition Of Your Hair

In what condition is your hair?

Is it relaxed or dyed?

Is your hair long or short hair?

These are the questions you need to answer before considering having a Korean perm.

This tip is vital, as the success of this style rides on this.

What we mean here is, your hair should be in good condition.

Your hair is not ready for exposure to dyes and chemicals for at least before or after a month to avoid breakage and damage.

Avoid swimming or wear a swimming cap as chlorine is one of the chemicals that is harmful and can damage your hair by causing dehydration and an ugly mess of tangled hair.

You need to visit your stylist at least every four months for a cut.

Long and heavy hair may cause loose curls, so maintain an appropriate height.

If your hair is dry and already breaking out, consider postponing the perm day so that you give it time to regain its strength.

It should not be weak or treated with chemicals such as dye in the most recent times.

For a Korean perm, long hair is far better in creating nicely defined curls than short hair.

If at all you are committed to looking like the Korean idols, then I suggest you be patient and wait for your hair to grow to an appropriate height before getting your perm on.

Patience allows for some pretty funky curls after those long hours at the salon.

8. Expectations Versus What You Get In Reality

Do you have salons in your neighborhood?

Is that a yes?

Do you think they all offer services at the same rates?

How about having hair experts?

Such points are what you need to contemplate before getting that perfect look.

In most countries, salons are readily available for offering hair services.

But have you ever wondered why people choose one salon over the other?

I thought you should know.

Some factors, such as excellent customer service, can make clients loyal.

As mentioned earlier, social media has become the center of everything.

After going through online platforms, you can get so many photos with desired hairstyles.

Make sure you pick a photograph that has good lighting for clarity purposes.

What we are avoiding here is disappointments after the makeover.

Are you sure of what you want to have?

If need be, tag along with a friend who has a similar style for reference to the experts.

Going physically with a friend will promote clarity on what you exactly want.

Now, before getting your hair permed, consider knowing if the stylists can come up with something closer to what you desire.

Do not go with high expectations only to get dissatisfaction.

Displeasures can kill your morale and demoralize you into having the Korean perm again.

The best a professional can do is to affirm that she will offer the best of her services.

By so doing, you will also feel satisfied that the specialist will do as expected.

Stylists tend to lie that they are capable of getting you the style you desire, only to deliver the opposite.

Ask your stylist to put their money where their mouth is and provide photos of clients they have worked with before, if convinced, allow them to do their best and get you looking glam.

9. Consider The Fact That Your Hair May Weaken From The Result

Once you perm your hair, it seizes to be natural.

As discussed earlier, some products are harmful to the hair.

They damage the scalp and weaken the hair; thus, you start experiencing a lot of hair breakages.

This factor should not derail you from having your hair done as you have always wanted.

The Korean perm gives you a different and unique look that anyone around you admires.

You are encouraged to use the right products to rejuvenate the hair and strengthen it to prevent damages.

Nevertheless, note that if you consider having the perm done and feel uncomfortable or uneasy when being worked on, then it’s an indication that your scalp has is damaged.

Try having the perm done on your next visit.

10. Consider The Kind Of Services Rendered

Do you have that one salon you visit time and again?

What drives or motivates you to do that?

The services, right?

A good business is one that gives the client priority.

As they say, the customer is always right.

Once you get to a salon, you will want to get the value for your money.

You expect nothing but the best from the stylist since you are paying for the service.

Excellent customer service is core in every business.

The way you will be approached at first matters a lot.

Who doesn’t want to get proper treatment anyway?

Well, you deserve that fair treatment in whichever places you visit to make your hair done.

When you are received well in a premise, you feel welcomed and accommodated too.

I’m sure you will always want to be associated with your stylists.

You get the morale of coming back again and again for the same services to be done.

Keeping that in mind, you can consider a salon that has given you an excellent customer experience.

A salon that offers excellent quality service with a unique customer experience is the one to choose.

I know right now you have all the tips that will help you before getting a Korean perm.

Go out, get your Korean perm done, and send a statement out there.

You will stand out from the crowd.

Why You Should Get Your Korean Perm On

Have you made that appointment?

Are you excited or a little nervous?

Don’t be nervous.

Getting a Korean perm is something that you should be excited about because it brings out the uniqueness of a person.

Your perm will come out great and turn heads everywhere you go.

With the right products and experienced experts, you will enjoy those few hours at the salon.

The experience should not cause any discomfort or irritate the skin.

Keep reading.

We are almost through.

The best thing about the Korean perm is that it is easy to maintain if you use the right products.

You can style yourself in the comfort of your home; thus no need to visit the salon time and again.

Never mind about the price, which is reflected by the displayed results.

Just awesomeness.

Korean perm is the best option you can think of because it brings out well defined curved curls that bring out the best of you.

Give it your best shot by getting the right specialists and products to use.

Having the right products will promote your hair growth and spark you as you desire it to be.

The bottom line is, if you commit yourself to this course, you will surely have made the best decision for your hair.

The style is worth your time without any regrets.

Hey, are you still there?

Now go out and get that perfect look and stand out.

I’m sure it will look beautiful on you and leave you looking flawless, feeling confident, accomplished, and satisfied.

Now get your perm on and slay!

Final Thoughts

With all this said and done, the things to consider before having a Korean perm are evident, and getting a Korean perm is relatively expensive.

For it to serve you for a longer time, it needs obligation and endurance.

You need to put in the extra effort so that it gives you that awesome and trendy look.

The instructions from the experts should be followed to the core to avoid disappointments.

Also, carry out further research to find out more information on the subject and be sure and contented with your decision.

By now, you have a wide range of choices to make.

I believe that following these tips will be of great assistance to you, even as you consider getting that Korean perm.

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